דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

| | 16/02/2019

מקל, יואב

פרופ' יואב מקל - פיזיולוג של מאמץ, עוסק במחקר ולימוד של תחומים הקשורים בעיקר לספורט הישגי. בתוך כך מתרכז בסוגיות הקשורות לאימון ושיפור יכולות ביצוע מרביות של ספורטאים מענפים שונים. כמו כן, חוקר את תחום הגנטיקה והשפעתו של הגורם התורשתי על יכולת הביצוע וההישגים של ספורטאים. הכוונה במחקרים אלה היא להבין את האפיונים הפיזיולוגיים והגנטיים של ספורטאים ולפתח מדדי אבחון אשר יאפשרו לאתר ולנתב כישרונות ספורטיביים כבר בגילאים צעירים.


Meckel, Y., Bishop,D., Rabinovich,M., Kaufman,I. , Nemet ,D , Eliakim,A. (2013) Repeated Sprint Ability in Elite Water Polo Players and Swimmers and its Relationship to Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine  12, 738-743

Ziv, G., Rotstein, A., Lidor, R., Meckel, Y. (in press). The effectiveness of attentional instructions on running economy at a sub-maximal velocity. Kinesiology.

Ben-Zaken S, Meckel Y, Lidor R, Eliakim A. Genetic Profiles and the Prediction of Success of Young Athletes' Transition from Middle to Long Distance Runs – An Exploratory Study. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2013; in print.

Ben-Zaken S, Meckel Y, Nemet D, Eliakim A. Genetic Score of Power-Speed Track and Field Athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2013; in print.

Ben-Zaken S, Eliakim A, Kassem E, Meckel Y. The mnSOD Val-9Ala polymorphism heterozygosis has a beneficial effect against oxidative stress among Israeli top level athletes. Free Radical Research. 2013

Ben-Zaken S, Meckel Y, Nemet D, Eliakim A.  Can IGF-I Polymorphism Affect Power and Endurance Athletic Performance? Growth Hormone and IGF1 Research. 2013; in print

 Eliakim, A. S. Portal, Z. Zadik, Y. Meckel, D. Nemet. Training Reduces Catabolic and Inflammatory Response to a Single Practice in Female Volleyball Players. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Feb. 2013

 M. Eliakim, Y. Meckel, R. Gotlieb, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. Motivational music and repeated sprint ability in junior basketball players. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis Vol.18, pp. 29-38, 2013.

 M. Eliakim, E. Bodner, Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. Effect of rhythm on the recovery from intense exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 27, pp. 1019-1024, 2013.

 D. Nemet, S. Portal, Z. Zadik, R. Pilz-Burstein, D. Adler-Portal, Y. Meckel A. Eliakim. Training increases anabolic response and reduces inflammatory response to a single practice in elite male adolescent volleyball players. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 25, pp. 875-880, 2012.

 G. Ziv, Y. Meckel, R. Lidor, A. Rotstein. The effects of external and internal focus of attention on physiological responses during running. Journal of Human Sport & Exercise.Vol. 7, pp. 620-627, 2012.

 Y. Galily, I. Tamir, Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim,. Socio-cultural Characteristics of Physical Activity Habits in Israel (1992-2008). International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. 32, pp. 461-479, 2012.

 Y. Meckel, D. Bishop, M. Rabinovich, L. Kaufman, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. The relationship between short and long-distance swimming performance and repeated sprint ability. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 26, pp. 3426-3431, 2012.

D . Nemet, D. Geva, Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim. Health related knowledge and preferences in low socio-economic kindergarteners. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Vol 9, pp. 1-9, 2012.

 Y. Meckel, Y. Gefen, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. Influence of short versus long repetition sprint training on selected fitness components in young soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 26, pp. 1845-1851, 2012.

 D. Nemet, S. Portal, Z. Zadik, R. Pilz-Burstein, D. Adler-Portal, Y. Meckel A. Eliakim. Training increases anabolic response and reduces inflammatory response to a single practice in elite male adolescent volleyball players. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 25, pp. 875-880, 2012.

Y. Meckel, A. Geva, A. Eliakim. The Influence of dribbling on repeated sprints in young soccer players. International Journal of Sport Science and coaching Vol. 7, pp. 555-564, 2012.

D. Nemet, D. Geva, M. Pantanowitz, N. Igbaria, Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim. Health Promotion Intervention in Arab-Israeli Kindergarten Children. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 24, pp. 1001-1007, 2012

Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. The effect of methylphenidate treatment on exercise performance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis Vol.16, pp. 17-22, 2012.

 M. Eliakim, E. Bodner, A. Eliakim, D. Nemet, Y. Meckel. Effect of motivational music on lactate levels during recovery from intense exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 26, pp. 80-86, 2012.

 Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Alves, A. Eliakim, N. Eynon. AMPD1 C34T mutation is not associated with the status of Israeli athletes. European Journal of Sport Science. Vol. 12, pp. 244-248, 2012

Y. Galily, I. Tamir, A. Eliakim, Y. Meckel. Get up and go: changes in physical activities practices in Israel (1992-2008). Social Issues in Israel. Vol. 12, pp. 140-161, 2011.

 Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, S. Bar-Sela, S. Radom-Aizik, D.M. Cooper, M. Sagiv, A. Eliakim. Hormonal and inflammatory responses to different types of sprint interval training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 25, pp. 2161–2169, 2011.

 N. Eynon, R. Birk, Y. Meckel, A. Lucia, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. Physiological variables and mitochondrial-related genotypes of an athlete who excels in both short and long-distance running. Mitochondrion.Vol. 11, pp. 774-779, 2011.

N. Eynon, A. Alves, C. Yamin, Y. Meckel. PPARA intron 1 A/C polymorphism and elite athlete status. European Journal of Sport Science. Vol. 11, pp. 177-181, 2011

Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. Repeated sprint test performance indices and aerobic fitness in normal and overweight pre-pubertal children. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis. Vol. 15, pp. 35-47, 2011.

 Y. Meckel, Y. Galily, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim.  Changes in weight indexes and aerobic fitness of physical education students over three years of college. Journal of Human Sport & Exercise. Vol. 6, pp. 112-121, 2011.

Eynon, N., Meckel, Y., Alves, A., Nemet, D., & Eliakim, A. (2011). Is there an interaction between BDKRB2 -9/+9-GNB3 C825T polymorphisms and elite athletic performance? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 21(6), e242-e246.

G. Ziv, R. Lidor, G. Segal, Y. Meckel. The Influence of Dribbling on Running Speed and Skill in Adolescent Basketball and Handball Players. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual. Vol. 26, pp. 93-107, 2011.

 S. Portal, Z. Zadik, J. Rabinowitz, R. Pilz-Burstein, D. Adler-Portal, Y. Meckel, D. M. Cooper, A. Eliakim, D. Nemet. The effect of HMB supplementation on body composition, fitness, hormonal and inflammatory mediators in elite adolescent volleyball players: a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 111, pp. 2261-2269, 2011

D. Ben Sira, R. Amir, O. Amir, C. Yamin, N. Eynon, Y. Meckel, M. Sagiv, M. Sagiv. Effect of different sprint training regimes on the oxygen delivery-extraction in elite sprinters. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. Vol. 50, pp. 121-125, 2010.

 S. Portal, J. Rabinowitz, D. Adler-Portal, R. Pilz-Burstein, Y. Lahav, Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. Body fat measurements in elite adolescent volleyball players: Correlation between skinfold thickness, bioelectrical impedance analysis, air-displacement plethysmography, and body mass index percentiles. Journal of Pediatric in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 23, pp. 395-400, 2010.

A. Eliakim, R. Ariali, Y. Meckel, D. Nemet. Immediate post exercise energy intake and macronutrient preferences in normal weight and overweight pre-pubertal children. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity. Vol. 5, pp. 221-229, 2010.

 N. Eynon, A. Alves, M. Sagiv, C. Yamin, M. Sagiv, Y. Meckel. Interaction between SNPs in the NRF2 gene and elite endurance performance. Physiological Genomics. Vol. 41, pp. 78-81, 2010.

 N. Eynon, A. J. Alves, Y. Meckel, C. Yamin, M. Ayalon, M. Sagiv, M. Sagiv. Is the interaction between HIF1A P582S and ACTN3 R577X determinant for power/sprint performance? Metabolism – Clinical and Experimental. Vol. 59, pp. 861-865, 2010

C. Yamin, J. Oliveira, Y. Meckel, N. Eynon, M. Sagiv, A.J. Alves, M. Ayalon, J.A. Duarte. CK-MM gene polymorphism does not influence the blood creatine kinase activity after exhaustive eccentric exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol. 31, pp. 213-217, 2010.

 D. Nemet, A. Eliakim, P.J. Mills, Y. Meckel, D.M. Cooper. Immunological and growth factor response to cross-country training in adolescent females. Journal of Pediatric in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 22, pp. 995-1007, 2009

Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, S. Lougassi, A. Eliakim. Performance indices of two different repeated sprint tests protocol in overweight children. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis. Vol. 14, pp.51-65, 2009.

N. Eynon, Y. Meckel, A.J. Alves, C. Yamin, M. Sagiv, E. Goldhammer, M. Sagiv. Is there an interaction between PPARD T294C-PPARGC1A Gly482Ser polymorphisms and endurance performance? Experimental Physiology. Vol. 94, pp. 1147-1152, 2009.

 N. Eynon, A. Alves, C. Yamin,  M. Sagiv,  J.A. Duarte, J. Oliveira, E. Goldhammer, M. Sagiv, Y. Meckel. Is there an ACE ID – ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms interaction that influence sprint performance?  International Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol. 30, pp. 888-892, 2009.

 D. Nemet, Y. Meckel, S. Bar-Sela, F. Zaldivar, D.M. Cooper,  A. Eliakim. Effect of local cold-pack application on systemic anabolic and inflammatory response to sprint interval training:  A prospective comparative trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 107, pp. 411-417, 2009.

 Y. Meckel, R. Gottlieb, A. Eliakim. Repeated sprint tests in young basketball players at different game stages. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 107, pp. 273–279, 2009.

 Y. Meckel, T. Casorla, A Eliakim. The influence of dribbling on repeated sprint test performance and physiological responses in young basketball players. International Journal of Coaching Science. Vol. 3, pp. 43-56, 2009.

 N. Eynon, M. Sagiv, Y. Meckel, J.A. Duarte, A.J. Alves, C. Yamin, M. Sagiv, E. Goldhammer, J. Oliveira. NRF2 intron 3 A/G polymorphism is associated with endurance athletes' status. Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 107, pp. 76-79, 2009

N. Eynon, J.A. Duarte, J. Oliveira, M. Sagiv, C. Yamin, Y. Meckel, M. Sagiv, E. Goldhammer. ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and Israeli top-level athletes. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol. 30, pp. 695-698, 2009.

 Eynon, Y. Meckel, M. Sagiv, C. Yamin, R. Amir, M. Sagiv, J.A. Duarte, J. Oliveira. Do PPARGC1A and α polymorphisms influence sprint or endurance phenotypes ? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. Vol. 20, pp. 1-6, 2009.

N. Eynon, J. Oliveira, Y. Meckel, M. Sagiv, C. Yamin, M. Sagiv, R. Amir, J.A. Duarte. The guanine nucleotide binding protein B polypeptite 3 gene C825T polymorphism is associated with elite endurance athletes. Experimental Physiology. Vol. 94, pp. 344-349, 2009.

Y. Meckel, O. Machnai, A. Eliakim. Specificity in ways to evaluate the anaerobic qualification of athletes. Movement. Vol. 2, pp. 1-13, 2009, (Hebrew).

Y. Meckel, O. Machnai, A. Eliakim. Relationship among repeated sprint tests, aerobic fitness and anaerobic fitness in elite adolescent soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 23, pp. 163-169, 2009.

 Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim, M. Seraev, F. Zaldivar, D.M. Cooper, M. Sagiv, D. Nemet. The effect of a brief sprint interval exercise on growth factors and inflammatory mediators. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 23, pp. 225-230, 2009.

 D. Nemet, G. Lustig, H. Davidov, Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim. Hormonal adaptations to different intensities during the preparation of elite judokas for competition. Acta Kinesiologiae. Vol. 13, pp. 76-86, 2008.

M. Sagiv, M. Sagiv,Y. Meckel, D. Ben-Sira. Effects of different sprint cycling bouts on left ventricular function in top cyclists. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. Vol. 48, pp. 360-365, 2008.

 Y. Meckel, A. Ismaeel, A. Eliakim. The effect of the Ramadan fast on physical performance and dietary habits in adolescent soccer players. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 102, pp. 651-657, 2008.

 Yamin, O. Amir, M. Sagiv, E. Attias, Y. Meckel, N. Eynon, M. Sagiv, R. E. Amir. ACE ID genotype affects blood Creatine Kinase response to eccentric exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 103, pp. 2057-2061, 2007.

 O. Amir, R. Amir, C. Yamin, E. Attias, N. Eynon, M. Sagiv, M. Sagiv, Y. Meckel. The ACE deletion allele is associated with Israeli elite endurance athletes. Experimental Physiology. Vol. 92, pp. 881 – 886, 2007.

 M. Eliakim, Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. The effect of music during warm-up on consecutive anaerobic performance in elite adolescent volleyball players. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol. 28, pp. 321-325, 2007.

Rotstein, O. Inbar, T. Berginsky, Y. Meckel. Preferred transition speed between walking and running: effects of training status.  Medicine and Science in Sports and  Exercise. Vol. 37, pp. 1864 – 1869, 2005.

 Activation Participation in Scientific Meetings 

 2013: Repeated sprint ability in young soccer players at different game stages. 27th International Symposium of Pediatric Work      Physiology, Barcelona, Spain.

 2012: Influence of short versus long repetition sprint training on selected fitness   components in young soccer players. The 2nd Wingate Congress of Exercise  and Sport Sciences, Wingate Institute, Israel.

 2012: The immediate and follow-up effects of successive intense training sessions  on the fitness of young soccer players. The 2nd   Wingate Congress of Exercise  and Sport Sciences, Wingate Institute, Israel.

 2011: Training Reduces Catabolic and Inflammatory Response to a Single Practice in  Female Volleyball Players. 26th International Symposium of Pediatric Exercise    Physiology, Exeter, England.

 2011: Influence of short versus long repetition sprint training on selected fitness  components in young soccer players. 26th International Symposium of Pediatric   Exercise Physiology, Exeter, England.

 2010: Effect of motivational music on lactate level during the recovery from intense    exercise. Mozart and Science, Krems, Austria.

 2010: The relationship between repeated sprint rests during basketball games and  aerobic fitness. The first Wingate Congress of Exercise and Sport Sciences,  Wingate Institute, Israel.

 2009:  Aerobic fitness and performance indices of repeated sprint test in normal  and overweight children. 25th International Symposium of Pediatric   Work Physiology, Le-Touquet, France.

 2009: Immediate effects of exercise on energy intake in normal weight and  overweight pre-pubertal children. 25th International Symposium of  Pediatric Work Physiology, Le-Touquet, France.


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